After having painted some of my army gray I decided it was a silly idea.
The main problem I find with painting a gray army, is the lack of visual result. Since the standard GW models are gray, it can be quite frustrating to only have skins and weapons to distinquish the models from non painted ones.
This is ofcouse a simplified reasoning, but it boils down to me wanting some more color into my army.
This is what I came up with then :)
I gave air brushing a try, and I think I got out of it alright. I need to do some touchup on some of it.
The shadowsword. Complete with my commisar preachers.
Storm troopers. Oldies and goodies :)
The ratlings! 10 of these has done me great good in earlier battles.
The Manticore / Hydra. now with magnetized weapon. Also this is was my paint scheme tank.
Leeman russ Battle tank. This only got based.
Two sentinels. These tought me its necesarry to have based the models with a dark colar so not to get a color reminisent of... well of baby poo.
Valkyrie no. 2. As you can see the black paint got quite thin when painting camo on this one.
Leman russ Vanquisher.
Another picture of the Shadowsword. Should have some better pictures of the Commisars here.
What remains to be repainted.
good stuff - what a force!
SvarSletStill got tons of troops that have only been based.
SvarSletThese need to be repainted though.. Should be fun
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